1-click setup a Trustpilot business page with Google Business | Notion

Removing a small piece of necessary friction when onboarding to the Trustpilot’s business platform.

By Jonas Maaløe

My role: UX, UI · Period: Feb – Mar 2021 · Context: Trustpilot Business



The “Public Profile Details page” on Trustpilot is where businesses fill out details, add a logo, set a business category and provide contact information for their business profile. There’s a reason it’s the first page that new business users are directed to after signup — detailed, up to date business profiles are a win-win-win; for Trustpilot, the business and consumers.

There was just one problem:


Users who came here only filled out the first few fields before saving and—assuredly—click away to forget about it and never come back. My product team and I certainly had room to make this page look and behave nicer. But a nicer page is just be the same tedious route taken in a nicer car, and we thought we could do our users one better by posing a different question: